- admin
- 25 mai 2012
Trecutul , prezentu … si cam tot ce ma reprezinta
Ma uit la trecutul meu si la faptul ca imi aduc aminte de faptul ca atunci cand eram copil totul era ceva mai simplu !
Ma uit la trecutul meu si la faptul ca imi aduc aminte de faptul ca atunci cand eram copil totul era ceva mai simplu !
Se pare ca bautura face un lucru bunicel pentru anumite persoane, in ciuda faptului ca majoritatea bea ca sa uite de ceva anume se pare
Odata cu dimineatza si momentele petrecute in singuratate se pare ca totul incepe sa para din ce in ce mai departe .
Acum odata cu trecerea timpului incep sa imi aduc aminte la ce se referea prietenia cu adevarat . Nu se referea la respect ,
I had three friends. Eric, Cathlyn, Carol. Eric was chased by all the girls in our high school. Cathlyn was one of those popular girls.
The park bench was deserted as I sat down to readBeneath the long, straggly branches of an old willow tree. Disillusioned by life with good
Some time ago, a friend of mine punished his 3-year old daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was tight, and he
Somewhere before I’ve heard the saying, „The best gift parents can ever give to their children is to love each other.” I’ve had the pleasure
A Lesson In Love I watched intently as my little brother was caught in the act. He sat in the corner of the living
Momentele ce nu se mai termina , situati ce nu se schimba , gesturi ce vor ramane mereu nescrise dar existente ,